Game development using SCRATCH
Game development using SCRATCH

Course overview

Design and develop games using block programming

Course Outline:

  • Introduction to the history of Scratch.
  • Using Scratch built-in sprites.
  • Creating your own sprites.
  • Adding movement and sound to a sprite.
  • making a sprite appear to speak and think.
  • Creating and using variables.
  • The stop, wait, and forever blocks.
  • Sensing and events.
  • Add code blocks
  • Total Duration: 10 Classes
  • Duration per Class: 1 Hour
  • Seats per Batch: 10
Students testimonials

"The online Skills53 Arabic course has been a great road thus far to learning the Arabic language. While remaining in the comforts of our home, a certified and highly educated teacher is able to deliver a great online platform of learning. The instructor ensures every student is given equal amounts of time. This class has been a wonderful learning opportunity"

Mustafa & Insiya Sunelwala - Dallas (USA) Course: Game development using SCRATCH